Learn About Our Regular Pool Cleaning Services
What We Do Best
Express Service
$55 + Chemical Costs
(Average service time:- Up to 20 minutes)
Free computerised water test.
Chemicals added to balance pool.
Skimmer and Pump baskets emptied.
Chlorinator cell checked (and cleaned if required).
Equipment checked for correct operation.
Filter backwashed (Sand / Glass) or Filter cleaned (Cartridge).
Service report sent via email.
This service is a Test and Balance and does not include any pool cleaning.
Available on a Weekly, Fortnightly or
Monthly (Every 4 weeks) regular schedule.
$15 Surcharge applies for non regular clients.
Excessively Unbalanced or Green pools will be quoted and are not included in this price.
Pricing Excludes Commercial Pools or
Large Residential Pools over 100,000 litres.
Premium Service
$95 + Chemical Costs
(Average service time:- Up to 60 minutes)
Free computerised water test.
Chemicals added to balance pool.
Skimmer and Pump baskets emptied.
Chlorinator cell checked (and cleaned if required).
Equipment checked for correct operation.
Filter backwashed (Sand / Glass) or Filter cleaned (Cartridge).
Leaf scoop of pool.
Vacuum of pool (As Required).
Pool surfaces brushed (As Required).
Robot Basket emptied (and cleaned, if required).
Service report sent via email.​
Available on a Weekly, Fortnightly
or Monthly (Every 4 weeks) regular schedule
$15 Surcharge applies for non regular clients.
Excessively dirty, unbalanced or green pools will be quoted and are not included in this price.
Pricing Excludes Commercial Pools or
Large Residential Pools over 100,000 litres.
Other Services We Offer
Service Call and/or Complex Quoting
(Average service time:-Up to 20 minutes)
Equipment checked for correct operation.
Service report sent via email.
When quoting, the $55 fee will come off the invoice balance to pay when proceeding with the quote.
This service does not include any cleaning or repair. This is the fee to assess and/or quote the required repairs
Pricing Excludes Commercial Pools or Large Residential Pools over 100,000 litres.
Technical issues found will be quoted, Repairs are not included in this price.
Handover Service
$130 + Chemical costs
(Average service time:- Up to 80 minutes)
Tutorial on use of YOUR pool equipment and how to use YOUR pool cleaning equipment.
Chemicals added to balance pool.
Skimmer and Pump baskets emptied.
Chlorinator cell checked (and cleaned if required).
Equipment checked for correct operation.
Filter backwashed (Sand / Glass) or Filter cleaned (Cartridge).
Leaf scoop of pool.
Vacuum of pool (As Required).
Pool surfaces brushed (As Required).
Robot Basket emptied (and cleaned, if required).
Service report sent via email.
Excessively dirty, unbalanced or green pools will be quoted and are not included in this price.​
We respectfully advise that videoing or photographing of this service is not allowed
Equipment Installation
From $110
(Average service time:- Up to 45 minutes)
Up to 45minutes of labour to install new pool equipment.
Price does not include parts and/or equipment.
Most of these jobs will be quoted per job as we have limitations to work we will do and/or equipment especially brands, that we will install.